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Holi 2024

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Holi Festival Clothes Holi Collection Holi Dresses
Holi is a popular and significant Hindu festival celebrated as the Festival of Colours, Love, and Spring. It celebrates the eternal and divine love of the deities Radha and Krishna. Additionally, the day signifies the triumph of good over evil, as it commemorates the victory of Vishnu as Narasimha over Hiranyakashipu. The Night Before Holi Is Called Holika Dahan or "Chhoti Holi" Whereby People Gather Around a Lit Bonfire, Symbolising the Victory of Good Over Evil and Removal of the Old and the Arrival of the New. Various Rituals Are Performed Around the Fire Such as Singing and dancing.[25] This Ritual Is Derived From the Story of Holika, Who Attempted to Kill Prahlada, the Son of Hiranyakashipu, Through the Flames of a Bonfire. The next morning is celebrated as Rangwali Holi (Dhuleti) where people smear and drench each other with colours. Water guns and water-filled balloons are often used to play and colour each other, with anyone and any place being considered fair game to colour. Groups often carry drums and other musical instruments going from place to place singing and dancing.